I’m on route to Sheffield to speak at the ACJ 20:20 Visions Conference about my works (spoiler, I’m on Saturday afternoon), and I’m getting pretty excited, and no, just not just to go to the multiple steel museums!
Now that the final programme has been published I see that along with catching up with friends I’ve not seen since I was last in the UK in 2011, I get to check in with a few faces familiar from other global jewellery haunts, which I’m really looking forward to.
I’ve found as the annual SNAG conference has become much more familiar to me, my participation has become very business-like (thanks especially to the annual Editorial Advisory Committee meeting and always spending the preceding week finishing work for the trunk show.) I’m looking forward to being able to learn about a less-familiar jewellery culture while meeting some heroes and making a few new friends. And having some relaxing tours of local museums and such, while finally (fingers crossed!) experiencing summer in England.
If you’re on Instagram, expect to see supreme random-ness from Sheffield, London, Birmingham and Manchester 😉 And if you’re in those places, look out for me in my hat!