Category: USA

  • … is this thing on?

    … is this thing on?

    If you’re in touch with the complaints department, please tell them this year is going too fast, and explain that I’ve been a little more on the d/l of late due to illness/injury, and I’d like both of these conditions rectified asap. OK? In more interesting news, I can heartily recommend an article from the…

  • Radical Jewelry Makeover at Metal Museum, Memphis

    Radical Jewelry Makeover at Metal Museum, Memphis

    The reception for Radical Jewelry Makeover (RJM) Artist Project at the Metal Museum is TODAY (central standard USA time)! RECEPTION & ARTIST TALK FEB. 11, 20243 – 5PM ​Please join us for a conversation with the Radical Jewelry Makeover co-directors, Susie Ganch and Kathleen Kennedy, at the opening reception. Metal Museum website Radical Jewelry Makeover: The Artist…

  • LOBES at Danaca in Seattle

    LOBES at Danaca in Seattle

    LOBES – it has meaning Dana at Danaca Design announced her intention to have a holiday earring show with local Seattle makers back in October (while I happened to be visiting the town I called home for 6.5 years for the first time since I left in 2018), and I immediately jumped on the bandwagon.…

  • NYCJW – Makeover: Radical Jewelry Makeover Artist Project!

    NYCJW – Makeover: Radical Jewelry Makeover Artist Project!

    This one is going to be a doozy; so many of my friends and highly respected colleagues are in this exhibition, and it’s happening in one of my fave parts of town. Fomo is real y’all; but I’m really happy to at least have my works be a part of this show. Madeover: Radical Jewelry…

  • NYCJW – Sarah Elson + Melissa Cameron

    NYCJW – Sarah Elson + Melissa Cameron

    The talk I recently recorded for New York City Jewelry Week goes live on their YouTube Channel this week. It’ll be up on Thursday New York time, so Friday here in Aus, and for most of the rest of you, somewhere in between! It’s a long and involved one-sided conversation so if you have any…

  • My article in Autor 2022

    My article in Autor 2022

    I forgot to mention, I wrote an article! I kinda did it by accident (longtime readers may remember the story, but I never revealed the piece before) when Autor magazine asked for photos and comments about ‘failure’. I cribbed from my blog post, did a rewrite to include thoughts that have come to me in…

  • US exhibit, AUS opportunity

    US exhibit, AUS opportunity

    So for all of you on the big southern biscuit, the National Contemporary Jewellery Award 2022 is calling. From their email: The National Contemporary Jewellery Award is back!We can’t wait to celebrate the newest addition to the collection along with the NCJA 30th anniversary in October.We’re very excited to see all the amazing work and…

  • We Are SNAG

    With the slightly slower pace of this year I’ve found time to get with this year’s SNAG online exhibition, We Are SNAG. If you’re a regular follower of the shenanigans here you’ll have seen the image, but for the international audience I’ve finally got on the front foot to put Juukan Tears up onto a…

  • Garland Magazine

    Garland Magazine

    I had a piece published last month in Garland Magazine’s 25th issue Craft Currencies – Value is in our own hands. Editor Dr Kevin Murray saw the work and asked me to write about the series Juukan Tears Offcuts that I made last year, through the lens of high/low, rich/poor, gallery/gift shop craft. It is…

  • the saga of the two tire/tyre rings

    If you’d like the opportunity to choose the outcome of the tale of the rings (in typing that I just realised I’ve made a mmp ‘choose your own adventure’ game!) please get in touch. You can comment below, reply by email – or go to my instagram and click on the relevant poll toggles in…