Category: Jewellery

  • NYCJW – Sarah Elson + Melissa Cameron

    NYCJW – Sarah Elson + Melissa Cameron

    The talk I recently recorded for New York City Jewelry Week goes live on their YouTube Channel this week. It’ll be up on Thursday New York time, so Friday here in Aus, and for most of the rest of you, somewhere in between! It’s a long and involved one-sided conversation so if you have any…

  • Deadlines looming!

    Deadlines looming!

    I know, I stopped spruiking other people’s biz a few years back, but sometimes… 1/ JMGAWA 2024 Conference Deadline for Expressions of Interest and Abstracts for presentations is November 30th. 2/ IOTA:24 Expressions of Interest sought, deadline November 14 3/ DECLARATION OF SENTIMENTS – OPEN CALL DoS was an exhibition curated and organized by CO+LAB…

  • New York City Jewelry Week 2022

    New York City Jewelry Week 2022

    I’m presenting a virtual talk at this year’s NYC Jewelry Week: Jewelers Sarah Elson + Melissa Cameron at IOTA:21 Artist talk presented by Melissa Cameron Perth-based jewellers share their experience of exhibiting at the inaugural Indian Ocean Craft Triennial in Western Australia in 2021. The pair debuted new works at the hugely successful festival, so…

  • Regenerate – Perth

    The Jewellers and Metalsmith’s Group of Australia WA branch are having a show! There’s twenty-nine WA artists exhibiting at Camelot Arts Building (yes, in the cinema building!) in Mosman Park, starting Friday night, the 30th of September. I’m in the show and will be at the opening so please come along and say hey, or…

  • IOTA:24


    The Indian Ocean Triennial Australia – otherwise known as the Indian Ocean Craft Triennial owing to its craft focus – is already in the planning stages for the 2024 edition. As an artist I was heavily involved in the last one – my piece Juukan Tears was in one of the keystone exhibits, and the…

  • My article in Autor 2022

    My article in Autor 2022

    I forgot to mention, I wrote an article! I kinda did it by accident (longtime readers may remember the story, but I never revealed the piece before) when Autor magazine asked for photos and comments about ‘failure’. I cribbed from my blog post, did a rewrite to include thoughts that have come to me in…

  • Blue Tin Set

    Blue Tin Set

    You might have already seen it on Instagram, but this work from the archive recently sold, and so was made glamorous to live on a wall, while the other parts were nestled into a vertical-bookshelf-ready storage container. The new owner even got a copy of the colouring book I made a while back, that the…

  • US exhibit, AUS opportunity

    US exhibit, AUS opportunity

    So for all of you on the big southern biscuit, the National Contemporary Jewellery Award 2022 is calling. From their email: The National Contemporary Jewellery Award is back!We can’t wait to celebrate the newest addition to the collection along with the NCJA 30th anniversary in October.We’re very excited to see all the amazing work and…

  • We Are SNAG

    With the slightly slower pace of this year I’ve found time to get with this year’s SNAG online exhibition, We Are SNAG. If you’re a regular follower of the shenanigans here you’ll have seen the image, but for the international audience I’ve finally got on the front foot to put Juukan Tears up onto a…

  • Edith Cowan commemorative pin featured in WA Parliament

    Edith Cowan commemorative pin featured in WA Parliament

    Welcome dear friends, to a picture of me posing with several WA Politicians, in the WA Parliament foyer. Obviously fans of the WA parliament will have already seen this collage pop up in their FB feed but at the risk of boring those people I’ve screen cap’d it to share with y’all (in other words,…