getting close…

me about to fix the camera with documentary film-maker Mir Ng in the background

Have you been checking in to the livestream? I know I have a dedicated fan or two (thank you for watching, sorry about all the noise..!) who look in, so I wanted to let y’all know that we’re getting close to the end. There’s about a week left of regular manufacturing before we switch to fine-tuning, then peeling off the back decals and some photography.

That will all take place in the studio (under your watchful gaze) as I have nowhere else big enough to take the full piece! And yes, Susannah and I have discussed hanging it off the balcony as a test, but ruled it out as we’re worried about the window below.

But for the real tension, stay tuned for the episode where we have to get the complete 4m x 1.3 m hanging out of the building. That’s when the balcony, plastic tarp and ropes come in! Then we have to motor it over to the John Curtin Gallery; that’s going to be quite an event!

We’re still a little way off moving it – I’m yet to source an enclosed truck – as my deadline is August. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to give you a heads up 😉

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