Any questions?

I’m not crowd-sourcing my homework, (honestly!) however, I’m not above finessing by proxy…

I’m writing a couple of presentations at the moment (for delivery in the next two weeks – more details soon) and since feedback is going to come too late to help me improve the presentations, I’ve resorted to begging anyone who has a connection to my working practice for their insights. (I got the idea off Andy Cooperman. He’s talking at SNAG this year, so he’s not doing it without good reason.) And yes, that means you too 🙂 No, please, don’t walk away…!?!


What would you like to know? What is the one burning question you have about my work, my process or my professional practice – especially those I haven’t answered in all the time we’ve known one another?

Or perhaps I should word it this way;

What would be the first thing that you’d expect me to address if I was presenting a talk on my work?

And what would you like to hear less of?

I thank you all in advance for your thoughtful and considered responses, and for your patience in indulging me.

xx Melissa

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2 responses to “Any questions?”

  1. Hi Melissa, I’ve only recently come across your work through twitter so I’m probably not the best person to answer your question, thought I’d drop a line or two though as it’s something I need to start thinking about myself
    I guess to check off all the obvious things, maybe these:
    the first thing would be your background
    – also, what drives you
    – the themes running through your work
    – the challenges as a maker you’ve had to confront (both technically in your work and making it as a jeweller)
    – possibly a discussion of some of the techniques you’ve researched/experimented with
    – how your work fits into the wider context of contemporary jewellery
    – where you work is leading you/ themes and concepts you would like to tackle in the future

    Not sure if that’s any help, reading over them, I’d say you’ve probably already covered these but hope that helps!

  2. Hi Nathan,
    Thanks so much for taking the time, and yes, it’s something that we all need to think about but from my research it’s so seldom discussed. Your point of “-how your work fits into the wider context of contemporary jewellery” is not something that I’ve addressed thus far so that gives me something to think about. It’s a tough one too, but you’re right, it’s important. Challenges – both technical and professional – is a good way to lead into that discussion too. It’s hard to segue into a ‘professional practice’ area without sounding preachy.
    Thanks for the feedback, hope I can return the favour some day.