Category: objects

  • Blue Tin Set

    Blue Tin Set

    You might have already seen it on Instagram, but this work from the archive recently sold, and so was made glamorous to live on a wall, while the other parts were nestled into a vertical-bookshelf-ready storage container. The new owner even got a copy of the colouring book I made a while back, that the…

  • US exhibit, AUS opportunity

    US exhibit, AUS opportunity

    So for all of you on the big southern biscuit, the National Contemporary Jewellery Award 2022 is calling. From their email: The National Contemporary Jewellery Award is back!We can’t wait to celebrate the newest addition to the collection along with the NCJA 30th anniversary in October.We’re very excited to see all the amazing work and…

  • We Are SNAG

    With the slightly slower pace of this year I’ve found time to get with this year’s SNAG online exhibition, We Are SNAG. If you’re a regular follower of the shenanigans here you’ll have seen the image, but for the international audience I’ve finally got on the front foot to put Juukan Tears up onto a…

  • North Sydney Art Prize – Artist Talks this Saturday

    North Sydney Art Prize – Artist Talks this Saturday

    This Saturday the 28th of May I’ll be part of a series of artist talks at the Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability in Waverton for the North Sydney Art Prize. We will start at 10:20am at the Genia McCaffery Cottage (the upstairs section of the site) with an introduction by Acting Team Leader of Arts…

  • Island Welcome in Perth/ North Sydney Art Prize

    Island Welcome in Perth/ North Sydney Art Prize

    I’m pleased and proud to say that Juukan Tears has been named as a finalist in the North Sydney Art Prize. The opening and prize ceremony will be on the 14th of May at the Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability in North Sydney, and at the same time and in the same ‘hood I’ll be…

  • Welcome 2022

    Welcome 2022

    In the hot sandwich press filled with bread, beans and leaking cheese at all sides (which is slowly gathering in puddles on the bench below) that was the last weeks of 2021, I missed adding my usual solsticefest post to the chimes of the season. So now I belatedly say thank you for reading, and…

  • Arthan Gallery in Istanbul

    Arthan Gallery in Istanbul

    From Co+Lab, Declaration of Sentiments finally opens in Istanbul! We are pleased to invite you to the exhibition of Declaration of Sentiments. Curated by CoplusLab, Snem Yildirim, Burcu Sülek, Nevin Arig and supervised by Can Akgumus the exhibition will take place at Arthan Gallery in Istanbul between16 – 31 December!Opening Thursday 16 December, 2 –…

  • farewell studio (for now) sale

    Dear Friends, For those not in the know, the current configuration of my studio is soon to be disassembled and rebuilt. A new studio, part of our new and more sustainable home, will take its place over the coming year or so. If you have ever wanted to come up and see it for yourself…

  • Juukan Tears – last days to see!

    There is but a few short days left to see my work Juukan Tears at the John Curtin Gallery as a part of IOTA21 in Curiosity and Rituals of the Everyday. If you’re not gonna make it (who even travels any more? I can’t – really, I’m in WA and state daddy says no…) I…

  • Connexions closes tomorrow

    Connexions is in its last days – today it’s open 11am – 4:30pm and then it opens for the last time tomorrow from 12 -2:30pm. We will always have the website, and I will update that with images from the installation soon, but in the mean time, if you can, stop by the gallery, grab…