Award Season
Move over Hollywood, last Monday the 18th of March saw the 2024 Australian Urban Design Awards. Our project leader for the Er Pavilion, Katherine Ashe of vittinoAshe, was in Canberra to find out that we won a commendation in the Built Projects – Local and Neighbourhood Scale category. Yay team! You can read more about…
Call me Ed. Guest Ed.
Thanks to the illustrious Dr Kevin Murray, I’m the guest editor for this quarter’s issue of Garland – The Street. I have also written an article about the collaborative making and adorning of the Er Pavilion for the Fremantle Biennale for the issue. The best part of being guest editor? Connecting with the stories of…
Er Pavilion
The Er Pavilion, featuring the work rapidly closing window… #3/ Ngarngk has one more week left to run in Walyalup (Fremantle)! It’s located by the J Shed Artist Studios and next to Bathers Beach. There are sill a few events to take place at the Pavilion, most notably the talks this Thursday Night and more…
Public Artwork
If it’s on the internet, it must be true, right? Hesperia is pleased to announce Melissa Cameron; Rohin Kickett and Matthew McVeigh; and Anne Neil as the artists commissioned to create a series of public artworks at Murdoch Square. Following an extensive Expression of Interest (EOI) campaign, the four Australian artists were carefully selected to…