Apology and correction

Along with images of my Moodjar (nuytsia floribunda) small series of works on November 19 I published a story that was not my knowledge to share.

A friend and colleague pointed out to me last week that it did not belong to me or my people. I thanked her then, and again now, for correcting me.

On ending our conversation I rewrote the words that accompany the series and sent them to my gallery with apologies, and changed my social media posts and my blog post that contained the material. My gallery has also kindly updated their social media that referenced my original writing.

I am deeply ashamed.

I apologise to any people offended by the original post. I apologise to the Noongar peoples whose story I appropriated, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. I am so very sorry. It won’t happen again.

The work itself was designed from photographs and was completed before I read and appended the Noongar history of the plant to my narrative. In my excitement to share this knowledge I forgot my place, and I regret it deeply.

