I been workin…
Melissa’s working on a piece, but she’s still got so terribly far to go…
holier than…
Melissa drills for a living. Not for oil though.
love lace?
Melissa has made it into the Love Lace show, happening in 2011. Plenty of time left to procrastinate, eh?
here comes the…
Melissa made a brooch for her friend, the bride. Not ‘The Bride’ – Uma Thurman’s character from Kill Bill, but a different one, ‘k?
Melissa meets titanium wire. The first round goes to the titanium.
Aerobics: jewellist style!
Melissa makes – well, remakes – a work. Lucky it looks good, otherwise she’d be wondering if it was all worth it…
effort less
Melissa is slapped down by the soldering gods. Licking her wounds, she strategizes how she might improve her performance tomorrow.
self sourcing
Melissa buys titanium, and calls it a successful day. Lazy? No, not exactly… Relaxed? Maybe…
drawing is oooo-ver!
Melissa talks camera, and lights, aaaand action!