Heat Exchange 2
Hanging out in Erfurt, Germany. Doing a bunch of enamelling at the Künstlerwerkstätten, and generally having fun!
Out & about – jewels & jewellers
August, Erfurt and Artist Trust. Heat Exchange 2. All the haps, chaps 😉
SNAG Conference 2014
Melissa is off to Minneapolis. Jealous?!
Mexico City – Joyaviva Opening
Melissa travels to Mexico City for the opening of Joyaviva – Jewellery form Across the Pacific
Joyaviva Mexico
Joya Viva Mexico. Get amongst it!
I went to: Richmond!
Richmond, VA, not Richmond, VIC. I like ’em both, but I still prefer VIC. Don’t tell anyone, we can keep this between you and me, right…?
I went to: Kent State!
Oh hi, I went to Ohio 😉
The low down
Get a round, round, round, I get around….
String theory
Melissa takes a line for a walk.
So, back to Melbourne in July…
Melissa finally finishes up what she was talking about in August… In October! Yes, it’s the last of her 2013 Brisbane/Melbourne work trip… Almost…