enamelling workshop
Melissa photographs enamel works; indoors, in bad light conditions. You sure you still wanna click?
return to return
Melissa goes back to the Return Show; this time with pictures!
Melissa recounting the fun and shenanigans at the last day of the JMGA conference in Perth.
Resource: 14th biennial JMGA conference in Perth, WA. This is an event during which Melissa refers to both Melbourne and Perth as ‘home’ with equal conviction, and regularity.
Melissa has talked a lot today, and still won’t shut up…
… space
Melissa populates a space with plinths. Feels compelled to blog about how clever this is.
t – 1 week and counting
One week until the Return exhibition in Perth. Expect to see Melissa looking a little dazed from here on in.
Mr Daniels – part one of a long story…
Part 1 of an occasional series, to find out where Melissa thinks she came from.
not quite a teaspoon…
Melissa meets Chloe. Melissa’s works meets Chloe’s work. Beauty ensues 😉
two teaspoons full
Malissa posts some finished jewellery works, made from tea spoons. She’s awfully proud!