Category: studio

  • Make it Chain!

    Make it Chain!

    To my lovely locavore jewellery aficionados, You are invited to my annual open studio event. This year I’m dedicating a spot in the studio to a chain-making station. Everyone (especially any smaller associates) is welcome to don an apron and make some recycled metal chain, in steel or copper, and with some plastic thrown in.…

  • Annual Studio Sale

    Annual Studio Sale

    Yes, it’s that time again. If your feasting and shopping are going well, maybe you have a moment to stop in? Though perhaps, more importantly, if they are going poorly, you should stop by and be refreshed and rewarded by your visit. Join me in December on:Friday the 16th, 11am – 5pmSaturday the 17th, 11am…

  • Livestream vacation

    It’s another public holiday today in Perth, and after the uber long weekend I’ll still be on holiday (read: working on unrelated projects in the studio) until the 9th, coming back on the 12th of April. Looking forward to seeing you – my beloved livestream devotee(s)- then 😉

  • humble apologies

    to anyone who got sent to Twitch instead of YouTube by clicking on my link yesterday, I’m really sorry. I don’t know where the twitch link came from – I had that URL in a draft of one of my posts for a tiny moment, 6 weeks ago! I did make the mistake of copying…

  • tomorrow!

    Come chat with me on YouTube for an hour! Live now: Details: go to my YouTube channel where you can click on the live-stream and in the chat window type in a question for us to answer. Yes, us! Susannah Kings-Lynne will be there too. 11am at GMT +8, (though the feed will be…

  • Do you like to watch?

    If your answer to the above question is yes, come join me in my studio for the next six or so months. In this link (click on the Live Stream link – if it’s there, I’m in the studio) you can see live footage of me as I work on hand sawing a piece from…

  • Master Class Workshop – Liquid Enamel for Steel and Copper with visiting artist Melissa Cameron.

    14 – 15 September 2019 In her practice Melissa Cameron has perfected the application of liquid enamel onto small objects. It’s a unique enamelling method, well suited to both flat and dimensional forms, with coating found objects like wire and tiny laser-cut parts being Melissa’s specialties. In this workshop with the artist, learn her tips…

  • Mood:

    today is my last day in my US studio. it’s actually going ok

  • Studio Sale!

    Melissa is leaving Seattle after 6.5 years at the start of October

  • Monday – Gun day

    Even I thought we were done with gun-days…